Tuesday, 1 September 2009


Never think much about this topic until recently...

People are judged from their appearance (clothes and accesories that they wear), the words they speak and probably their family background. Based on those things, their heart, their mind and their characters will be judged. Sadly, many people buy this and they tried to be someone who are not themselves just to get good judgement from others. I would be a hypocrite by saying that I am not part of these people. Yea, I am part of them -up to certain level..

Those are not what I am going to write about. I want to write about expression. This morning as I walked to the bus stop, the pictures of my friends telling me: "when you say that, I keep wondering in my mind whether you are joking or serious; because you are without expression", "I thought you were upset", "Weren't you fighting?" or etc... Seriously, I am not a person who get easily hurt (or maybe ;p), argue, fight or upset. I am not trying to defend myself and not saying that those feelings are absent in my life, I just feel that life is too good to always fill it with bad stuff... Anyway, I would not blame them for saying that, I know that I am just good in making 'expression'. hehe...

It just makes me realise that expression could really show who you are (your heart and your mind) more than your words or your outer appearance. Or it could lead others to misunderstand you. Not saying it is bad, sometimes it could be good too... You know that many people are getting heaps of money and could entertain others for making good expression. ok, I am talking about those movie stars =)

Be wise in using God's given expression ^^

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