Monday, 28 December 2009

End of 2009

Wow, end of the year already.. How I wish I could write good and pleasant memories of the year or even the bad ones.. But, I simply can't write them.. My brain is going numb.
This is the first year of my life spending Christmas and New Year without mum, dad, my bro and my sis. And yes, I am homesick.. And I know how much you miss me too.
Oh mum, how I wish I could be with you now.. how I miss your hug, your cooking your voice and your simple touch.. I miss you mum..
Dad, don't you like making jokes? Can you make me some for this New Year? I miss your laughter and your lame joke.. I miss holding your hand, teasing you on how you are so anti to bad food yet you love ice cream like a child.
I do miss your driving ko, I miss arguing with you and explore new places (restaurants) with you and eat a lot of bad food ;p
And of course I miss you de, I miss seeing you busy, I miss sharing story with you at night, I miss hanging out with you in gym, cafe or cinema. I even love spending time with you without much talking. I simply love you.
I will survive here for you and for our God. May God be with us!!