Sunday, 4 October 2009


Watched fireproof for the second time last Friday.. I believe I got the values from the first time watching it, but I totally forget because I took the whole story line as the lesson. This time, managed to get some details. So, I beter write it down...

1. Always thinking that self is the most righteous or correct one, feel good enough.. Actually have to be selfless, respect and value others surround me.

2. I can be whoever I want to be in the world (we are borned as an actor), but life with family often shows the true you

3. Do not leave your partner alone in fire =)

4. Sometimes you should not follow your feeling, but follow what is right/ the instruction

5. Think people are stubborn because they do not follow the rule or follow what we think is right. I get frustrated by that, but stop correcting others and look at myself. I am also stubborn human, but God gives us his love unconditionally.

6. Those whose life look ok, doesnt mean that they are without problem or struggle. They do and that is what make them wiser and able to teach.

7. You can only give what you have.

8. During tought time, when your work seems patient and faithful.. God is at work!!

9. When your environment seems wrong, be the one who make change and do not expect others to follow you (this is God's part). Just do your part faitfully =)

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