Friday, 1 April 2011

So, who decides?

When I was born, my parents decided what I wore, where I went, how I slept, what I ate and decided how they and the world will call me.

When I was a baby, they decided where I went to kindergarten, how I should write and eat with my right hand, and use the left for ***

When I was a girl, they told me to sleep at certain time, how I should talk to elders, ate certain food, and studied to get good marks.

When I was teenager, they told me to go home at certain time, not going to certain places, and consider many things before making decisions.

When they sent me overseas, they only told me to study well, take care of myself and be close, dependent and trusting God.

As I grow, they put their trust in me and let me choose my own path. However, they still my parents. They support me, listen to me, pray for me and love me no matter what.

I am an adult now and they let me making my own decision. I thought it's good to be an adult and be independent. But, I miss being a kid and under parents.
I am making my own decision now. I make mistakes and sometimes I don't even know what I am doing or what I am supposed to do. But, I guess this is a learning process. You can't all of a sudden be good in making decision. And now, as I make my decision, it is God that I have to seek for counsel. And to do so, I need to practise and build my relationship with him. Be patient and trusting him that he will reveal and lead me to the way he has prepared for me.

This is what the LORD says:
“I am the LORD your God,
who teaches you what is best for you,
who directs you in the way you should go.

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