Saturday, 31 October 2009


A friend of mine was telling me that a good friendship is not an immediate thing.. It doesn't work just when you say that I want him/her to be my best friend, then he/she will be your best friend. Good frienship is build overtime and tested by time. I agree.. This friend also suggested to spend time with whomever I have chance to spend my time with. I have no objection to these opinions. They are acceptable and reasonable.

By telling me all this, my friend forget to tell me one important thing in friendship; it involves WILLINGNESS. Both side need to have willingness to be friend with each others, willingness to make time and spend time with each other or just thinking or praying for each other, willingness to share and to care(to give and to get), willinness to accept their plus and minus and sadly but true... willingness to be hurt... Am i willing to get hurt? Hhmmm...

Praise God that when i think about this, I could list few names in the category who I can identify as 'good friend' of mine. Our friendship has been tested by time and we do not need much words or actions just to show that we are valuable to each others.. for we know that eventho we are seperated by distance, by our own study and business, we still care for each other, love each other, pray for each other and when we meet, we could just talk about everything.. Thanks buddies!! I miss you so much!!

Let me end with a quote from George Eliot: "Oh, the inexpressibe comfort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping and then, with the breath of kindness, blow the rest away."

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Random bits

Somehow, I feel tired... and I miss home so much.....

I am very thankful to God that my family is so so so so so good!! It does make me never want to leave home and always happy to be home. However, I thank and praise God for opportunity to study abroad. And this way, my family is happy too.. And I will give my best in this exams for my family and for my God. I will not give less than my best.

Lol, this exam time does make me a bit emo...

Ma.. pa... ko.. de... I miss you so much and I wish so much that I could be with you..
Happy birthday ko!!! 我真的真的很爱你们

Some additional news:
Another cousin has a baby =)
A cousin's grandma passed away =(

"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised.
Job 1:21

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

First exam done!!!


The first one was Metabolic Biochemistry and it was done.. Praise God that it was good (hopefully my judgement is right).

Before exam, people tend to have mind and emotional "disturbance". They tend to think unnecessary things or weird stuff and do "abnormal" activities. I think I did that too.. Maybe not abnormal activity, but mind mingling.

Anyway, there are two people that has been blessing me so much in the last couple of days. A friend from Hongkong which unexpectedly wise ;p Not saying that I think she is not, but found out that her thought is probably more mature than me and she taught me good stuff. I'm glad to have her as my friend. God is good to me =)

Another friend is from Malaysia. Unbelieveably, she could made me study passing my limit. Indeed, she is been an encouragement for my biochem study. Her 'not giving up', 'no complaint' and 'keep study faithfully' just amazed me. She surely is awesome!! Someone can actually make me feel that my study is not god enough, but do not make me feel down. Instead, she motivated me to study and even pushes me to study pass what I thought as my limit.

Wow, life is surely rich.. I wonder what God will teach me in my last two exams...

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Captured by own mind..

Not again!!! Character really is hard to change!!
I realised that I am caught up in the thoughts and acts of perfection aiming. I do not want it!! I do not want to chase perfection!!! But I cannot help it...

I feel that I took the burden that I have handed to God. Dear Father, I cannot take this burden no more. It is too heavy for me to carry, I am not able to. Teach me to trust you today, tomorrow and for the whole exam days that I have.

I will give my best and leave the rest to you. Whatever the result, let me be content for I know that I have given my best and let the results glorify you!! Let you be the centre and not me..

Monday, 19 October 2009

What's up??

There were a lot of things happen last week and thru the weekend.. From not a very good news to awesome news..

On Friday, I found out that I did not get the job that I wanted to. Sad? Disappointed? Not really.. At least not until I tried to figure out my other options and the troubles I might have which is on Saturday. Praise to be the Lord that He did not let me sank to long in my worries. He spoke to me thru his word, letting me know that He is the God and He is in control. I need to be still and know that he is God. He gave me his promises in John 15:7-8 and Psalms 37:4-6. Morever, all things that happening on Sunday morning also reassured me that I can trust my life in God and I know that everything is under his control.

So, what's on Sunday? Two good friends of mine got baptised. Their faith and love to God touched my heart. More than that, I saw God's goodness and kindness toward the lives of His people. Therefore, I can trust mine in His hands too. God also gave us a bonus by calling one of our OCF members into the family. Yes, this guy accepted Christ after baptism ceremony. Surely, God is at work. Moreover, I believe that his work is not only calling people into light, but He will guide each of us into deeper fellowship with him each day.

God, my Father is the best Father!! He is full of mercy to us, his children who are naughty and deserve wrath!! This exam time, I want to commit my best studying with the help of Holy Spirit as the reflection of my thanking heart. I will give my very best, eventhough I cannot see what's ahead of me. At each time, each point, I will give my very best!! Father, please help me, and my brothers and sisters too..

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given to you. This is too my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. John 15:7-8 NIV

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Stop for few minutes

Just realised that my mind has been filled with study for lab tests, a sister bday plan, and my english pronounciation...

Study is what I have to do now.. I am writing indeed. hehe..
A sister bday today..yea, she is more than a friend for me, she is more like my younger sister. And instead of thinking about my test, I think more about this.. haha
Seems like I change a bit.. lol

ups, I talk to myself again. It's ok, this is just me =)
Yea, i guess, I am unique and different, including my english pronounciation ability. I have had lots of correction, teasing and laugh due to my incorrect pronounciation. Feel embarrassed sometimes, but it's ok.. Isn't it good to make people laugh.. haha

These thoughts often come and disturb me. Hinder me from having my thoughts on God and interrupt my quite time.
Despite all the feelings, success and failures that I have, God has taught me some lessons.

I am God's and forever will be his. My love for him is often taken by my emotions and circumstances on the earth, but His love for me remains the same.

Although I do not speak very well, God knows my heart and He loves me just as I am.
I am trembled, Father. I am...

Sunday, 4 October 2009


Watched fireproof for the second time last Friday.. I believe I got the values from the first time watching it, but I totally forget because I took the whole story line as the lesson. This time, managed to get some details. So, I beter write it down...

1. Always thinking that self is the most righteous or correct one, feel good enough.. Actually have to be selfless, respect and value others surround me.

2. I can be whoever I want to be in the world (we are borned as an actor), but life with family often shows the true you

3. Do not leave your partner alone in fire =)

4. Sometimes you should not follow your feeling, but follow what is right/ the instruction

5. Think people are stubborn because they do not follow the rule or follow what we think is right. I get frustrated by that, but stop correcting others and look at myself. I am also stubborn human, but God gives us his love unconditionally.

6. Those whose life look ok, doesnt mean that they are without problem or struggle. They do and that is what make them wiser and able to teach.

7. You can only give what you have.

8. During tought time, when your work seems patient and faithful.. God is at work!!

9. When your environment seems wrong, be the one who make change and do not expect others to follow you (this is God's part). Just do your part faitfully =)

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Life is fragile

Heard of bad news from Indonesia, Philippine and some other South East Asia Country..
And the earthquake in Indonesia is still going.. Jambi and Bengkulu just got another one. It is going down!!! Very scary!!!

Lord Father, please guard my family, my extended family and my friends and my nation..

My deep condolescence for those who lose their family..

Also hoping and praying that grandma will get better really soon. I love you and I dont want you to stay there any longer. I know that you dont like it too.

Life is fragile!! It is short and many people do not treasure their lives.. Some others keep on complaining about their lives while others wasting their lives!!

Lord, please guard my mind and let me live my life to its best extend and fulfil your purpose in creating me. So, when it comes, there wont be any regret...